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Qiskit Transpiler Service is only available for IBM Quantum Premium Plan members.

Qiskit Transpiler Service client release notes

0.9.1 (2024-11-15)

Bug fixes

  • Fix optimization_preferences` used in generate_ai_pass_manager method. Adding related tests (130)

0.9.0 (2024-11-14)

New features

  • Adding local mode for routing, permutations, linear functions and cliffords. (125)

0.8.2 (2024-11-13)

Bug fixes

  • Added fix to avoid random test errors. Check that result exists when result is success. (105)
  • Fix pauli better circuit replacement. (122)

0.8.1 (2024-11-13)

New features

  • Updating the README to reflect the availability of the AIPauliNetworkSynthesis feature. (121)

0.8.0 (2024-11-13)

New features

  • In case of failure, always retry the GET request to retrieve a result unitl the timeout is reached. Increase the delay between requests to 5 seconds when we are over 1 minute. Retry transpilation POST request three times in case of failure. (97)
  • Use QPY as exchange format with service (104)
  • Retry http requests after any RequestException (111)
  • Add Pauli Network synthesis pass. (112)

0.7.4 (2024-11-11)

New features

  • Use QPY as exchange format with service (104)

0.7.3 (2024-11-06)

New features

  • Retry http requests after any RequestException (111)

0.7.2 (2024-10-31)

Bug fixes

  • Added fix to avoid random test errors. Check that result exists when result is success. (105)

0.7.1 (2024-10-30)

New features

  • In case of failure, always retry the GET request to retrieve a result unitl the timeout is reached. Increase the delay between requests to 5 seconds when we are over 1 minute. Retry transpilation POST request three times in case of failure. (97)

0.7.0 (2024-09-18)

New features

  • Adds support for sending the use_fractional_gates option to the transpile service (83)
  • Adds iterative decomposition to Qasm3 export. (85)

Other notes

  • Removes unneeded benchmark method (81)
  • Adds test to verify that a circuit with a barrier will be transpiled (84)

0.6.5 (2024-11-11)

New features

  • Use QPY as exchange format with service (104)

0.6.4 (2024-11-07)

New features

  • Retry http requests after any RequestException (111)

0.6.3 (2024-10-31)

Bug fixes

  • Added fix to avoid random test errors. Check that result exists when result is success. (105)

0.6.2 (2024-10-30)

New features

  • In case of failure, always retry the GET request to retrieve a result unitl the timeout is reached. Increase the delay between requests to 5 seconds when we are over 1 minute. Retry transpilation POST request three times in case of failure. (97)

0.6.1 (2024-09-17)

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug with ECR gates coming from Qiskit when parsing using OpenQASM2 (74)

0.6.0 (2024-09-16)

New features

  • Add optimization_preferences optional input to TranspilerService constructor.

    With this new feature, users could specify by which properties they want to optimize on the transpiler process. Allowed options are: “n_cnots”, “n_gates”, “cnot_layers”, “layers”, “noise”, and these options can be provided in two ways: - Only an option, as a string value: Transpilation will be done priorizating this element and then the rest of the options - Several options, as a list: Transpilation will be done only with the specified elements (67)

  • Enabling coupling_map as options to the AI Synthesis passes (70)

Bug fixes

  • Keep trying to get results even in case of HTTPError exception with status 520 (52)
  • Fixing the type of ECR gates when loading circuits from the Qiskit Transpiler Service (63)

0.5.7 (2024-11-11)

New features

  • Use QPY as exchange format with service (104)

0.5.6 (2024-11-07)

New features

  • Retry http requests after any RequestException (111)

0.5.5 (2024-10-31)

Bug fixes

  • Added fix to avoid random test errors. Check that result exists when result is success. (105)

0.5.4 (2024-10-30)

New features

  • In case of failure, always retry the GET request to retrieve a result unitl the timeout is reached. Increase the delay between requests to 5 seconds when we are over 1 minute. Retry transpilation POST request three times in case of failure. (97)

0.5.3 (2024-09-17)

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug with ECR gates coming from Qiskit when parsing using OpenQASM2 (74)

0.5.2 (2024-09-12)

Bug fixes

  • Fixing the type of ECR gates when loading circuits from the qiskit transpiler service (63)

0.5.1 (2024-08-29)

Bug fixes

  • Keep trying getting result even in case of HTTPError exception with status 520 (52)

0.5.0 (2024-08-27)

Upgrade notes

  • Rename package to qiskit-ibm-transpiler (43)

0.4.10 (2024-09-17)

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug with ECR gates coming from Qiskit when parsing using OpenQASM2 (77)

0.4.9 (2024-09-12)

Bug fixes

  • Fixing the type of ECR gates when loading circuits from the qiskit transpiler service (64)

0.4.8 (2024-08-29)

Bug fixes

  • Keep trying getting result even in case of HTTPError exception with status 520 (54)

0.4.7 (2024-08-27)

Bug fixes

  • Add stacklevel to DeprecationWarning so it appears in Jupyter notebooks (49)

0.4.6 (2024-08-23)

Deprecation notes

  • Add deprecation notice in preparation for project rename to qiskit-ibm-transpiler (40)

Bug fixes

  • Forward incoming error when decoding fails (36)

0.4.5 (2024-08-01)

New features

  • Enable programmatic config of polling timeout (28)

Bug fixes

  • Using the declared ai_layout_mode in the TranspilerService’s run method (25)

0.4.4 (2024-07-25)

Upgrade notes

  • Increasing timeout to 600s instead of 120s (21)

New features

  • Expose service errors to users (8)
  • Configure logging for a library (10)

Bug fixes

  • Correctly parse string boolean for ai param (7)

0.4.3 (2024-06-07)

Upgrade notes

  • Check existence of credentials and raise related exceptions instead of breaking

0.4.2 (2024-06-07)

Bug fixes

  • Python 3.8 support. Back to specify types with typing
  • Fixing some import errors for local modules

Other notes

  • Relaxing pin of local dependencies

0.4.1 (2024-06-06)

Upgrade notes

  • Updating logs levels

Bug fixes

  • Rebuild layout in transpiled circuit
  • Avoid barrier nodes in collection

Other notes

  • Refactoring the extension code

0.4.0 (2024-05-28)

Upgrade notes

  • Updating Clifford service URL
  • Replace use_ai by ai param in requests

New features

  • Request the synthesis of a list of circuits to the service.
  • Adding docstrings for public documentation

Bug fixes

  • Adjust dependencies to be less strict and support minor version updates for qiskit & patch updates for qiskit-qasm3-import

Other notes

  • Move type hints in documentation.
  • Set name to logger

0.3.0 (2024-02-29)

Upgrade notes

  • Updating the plugin to use Qiskit 1.0 by default

Bug fixes

  • Supporting measurements in circuits when transpiling using ai=true option

0.2.1 (2024-02-22)

New features

  • Add multithreading to synth requests. The requests to the service for transpile and transpile now are done in parallel.

Upgrade notes

  • Updated collection passes. Now the passes could work up to N of qubits or with any block size of qubits.

0.2.0 (2024-02-12)

New features

  • Added support for synthesis and transpilation of Clifford, Permutation and Linear Function circuits. Using new URLs for the service.

0.1.3 (2023-12-11)

Bug fixes

  • Fixing layout integration with Qiskit for the transpiler service
  • Fixing hardcoded input to routing
  • Fix bug in input and refactor

0.1.2 (2023-12-04)


  • Publishing first version 0.1.2 for the IBM Quantum Summit.
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