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View and manage your hub's workloads

The Workloads page displays pending and completed workloads submitted to instances in your hub. It shows status, usage, estimated usage, and other workload metadata. Parameters, results, and logs can only be retrieved by the submitter.

Hub administrators who access the Workloads tab while viewing hub details see workload data for all sessions, batches, and jobs run in all groups in that hub. To see results data for a specific project, use the funnel icon on the top right to filter by project.

Group administrators who accesses the Workloads tab while viewing the list of one or more of their groups are shown workloads data for all sessions, batches, and jobs in all groups that they administer. To see results data for a specific project, use the funnel icon on the top right to filter by project.

The Workloads page includes the following information:

  • ID or Name of the workload
  • Status - For pending workloads this might include estimated wait time.
  • Created
  • Completed
  • Usage - For pending workloads this might include estimated usage.
  • Mode
  • Compute resource (QPU name)
  • Instance (hub/group/project)
  • User
  • Tags

By default, it displays all completed and pending workloads. To change what is displayed, click "All statuses" on the top of the table to filter by completed, pending, canceled, or failed workloads.

Click a workload row to open a new page with additional information:

  • For session or batch workloads, you can see details, status details, a status timeline, and a list of the primitive jobs submitted. Additionally, you can click a job to view its details.
  • For job workloads, you can see details, status details, and a status timeline.

Search, filter, and sort results

To search within a pane, enter a search term in the search box at the top of the pane. The search results appear as you type.

Click the X in the search box to remove the search term and view all content.

To filter the data, use the menus next to the search box. For example, to see only workloads run today, click the arrow by All Time and choose Today.

To sort the data by "Created", click the arrows next to the column name.

Manage workloads

Select the checkbox in the left column of one or more workloads to manage them. You can cancel pending jobs, sessions, or batches.

To cancel pending workflows, use the overflow menu (options button) on the right side of a workload row.

Click a row to view more details about the selected workload. On the details page, you can also use the overflow menu (options button) at the top right to perform actions such as canceling a workload or closing sessions and batches. Learn more on the cancel a session and close a session sections.

Reported usage for failed and canceled jobs

To understand when usage is reported for failed and canceled jobs, refer to Usage for failed and canceled jobs.

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