View analytics
From the hub menu, select the analytics tab to view data about how IBM Quantum™ compute resources are being used in your environment.
When you first click the analytics tab, the data is filtered to display the previous 28 days (the fair-share algorithm accounts for usage over a rolling time window of 28 days; read more in the Fair-share scheduler topic) and excludes simulators. You will see the applied filters as tags at the top:

You can choose other filters by clicking on the funnel icon, which displays the filters menu:

A hub administrator can filter by any of the groups in their hub. A group administrator only sees the groups in which they have administrative privileges.
The summary section displays high-level aggregated statistics for the filters you selected: the actual usage with the allotted time (also in minutes), the number of workloads run per execution mode, and the average wait time in the queue.

The actual usage might also indicate it has reached a state of overconsumption.

You can also download all data as CSV files by clicking "Download data".
Hub usage
The first two charts show how much each group (or project if filtering by a group) has used the hub resources (QPUs only), based on the total consumption of Qiskit Runtime quantum compute time by jobs that have been completed.
Depending on the filters you selected, the cumulative data might not be available.
Displays the usage of each individual day.

Hover your cursor over a bar in the graph to see the exact usage in minutes per group (or project if filtering by a group).
Depending on the time frame selected (by default "Last 28 days"), it will display the usage grouped by days, months or years.
Cumulative hub usage
Displays the total sum of usage by day.

The goal line in the chart indicates the allotted time. It will indicate if it has reached a state of overconsumption.

Hover your cursor over a bar in the graph to see the exact usage in minutes per group (or project if filtering by a group).
Allocation distribution and consumption
This bar graph shows the time used by each group (or project if filtering by a group). If filtering for the last 28 days, the graph also shows the allotted time.

A group (or project if filtering by a group) that has reached a state of overconsumption is indicated with a caution icon next to their name. This is only visible if filtering for the last 28 days.
Hover your cursor over a bar in the graph to see the exact total usage and alloted time that the bar represents.
Usage by backend
This bar graph displays the Qiskit Runtime usage (in minutes) each backend has used during the selected time frame.

Hover your cursor over a bar in the graph to see the exact number of minutes that the bar represents.
Active collaborators
This table lists collaborators who have used the QPU in the selected time frame.

Select the checkbox to the left of the collaborator's name to filter the rest of the data by this collaborator.
Click "Show X active collaborators" to display the complete list.
Jobs by country
This table lists the countries where job submissions are originating, and the job count from each country.

Select the checkbox to the left of the country's name to filter the rest of the data by this country.
Click "Show X countries" to display the complete list.